Empowering the Innovation Community

Francesco Profumo

Professor of Electrical Machines of the Politecnico Torino, former Minister of Education Italy

Francesco Profumo

Professor of Electrical Machines of the Politecnico Torino, former Minister of Education Italy


Born in Savona in 1953. Degree in Electrical Engineer – Politecnico Torino. Professor of Electrical Machines of the Politecnico Torino, former Dean of Engineering at the Politecnico Torino, former Rector of the Polytechnic Turin, former President of the National Research Council, former Minister of Education, University and Research, Chairman of Iren SpA, Chairman of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento), President of the Business School ESCP – Campus of Turin, President of Collège des Ingégenieurs – Campus of Turin, Chairman of Inwit SpA.

Title: “Aware citizens as an essential driver of a friendly city”
Summary: One of the main driver for building a smart, or better friendly, city is citizens’ awareness: this awareness should arise from childhood.
Citizens should be conscious that multi-utilities provide essential commodities and services for everyday life, starting from the time they wake up. Because of this close connection with people, multi-utilities will play a fundamental role in the development of a friendly city, mostly in terms of innovative services strictly connected to their commodities.
Some of IREN innovative projects will be presented together with details on EDUIREN, that is the Group educational programme (not only in schools) showing our strong commitment towards environmental sustainability.


All session by Francesco Profumo

Keynote Speakers

9:00 - 10:30