IoT is the heart of Innovation and has an enormous impact on the way we do business. By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected and the market worth € 14 trillion. New approaches to Innovation are needed! Ideas and research have to be transformed into commercial value propositions.
The IOT360° is a unique event bringing a 360° degree perspective on IoT-related projects and activities and aiming to coach involved people on the whole path between research to innovation and all the way through to commercialisation of ideas, projects and technologies.
The Summit is a powerful and inspirational event that brings together industry representatives, makers, vendors, experts, developers and others to plan, learn, network, collaborate, strategize and more effectively tap into the immense potential of the IoT domain.
The event offers a wide set of activities among which tutorials, presentations, panels and keynotes covering new methods to accelerate in the market, monetize technologies & IPR and raise funds in Europe. Structured professional networking to turn cutting edge into business through exploitation and commercialization opportunities is a key priority.
Furthermore EAI, as partner of the European project FI- Adopt, will showcase funding opportunities for SMEs and web entrepreneurs.