Empowering the Innovation Community

Liljana Gavrilovska

Head of the Institute of Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies

Liljana Gavrilovska

Head of the Institute of Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies


Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska currently holds the position of full professor and Head of the Institute of Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She is also Head of the Center for Wireless and Mobile Communications (CWMC) working in the area of telecommunication networks and wireless and mobile communications. She has received her B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D. from Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, University of Belgrade and Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, respectively. Prof. Gavrilovska participated in numerous EU funded projects such as ASAP, PACWOMAN, MAGNET, MAGNET Beyond, ARAGORN, ProSense, FARAMIR, QUASAR, ACROPOLIS, CREW and eWall, NATO funded projects such as RIWCoS and ORCA and several domestic research and applicative projects. In 2012 Prof. Gavrilovska got a Scientist of the year UKIM award and in 2013 the highest national award for scientific achievements “Goce Delcev”.  Her major research interest is concentrated on cognitive radio networks, future mobile systems, wireless and personal area networks, cross-layer optimizations, broadband wireless access technologies, ad hoc networking, traffic analysis and heterogeneous wireless networks.

Prof. Gavrilovska is author/co-author of more than 190 research journal and conference publications and technical papers and several books. She is a senior member of IEEE.


Title: Smart Cities: Sustainable Urban Environment and Efficient Quality of Life

Scope: Rapid expansion of human population and its concentration in urban environment races tremendous problems of enlarged energy consumption, mobility, increased pollution, new infrastructures and plethora of emerging new services. The expression “smart city” has been recently introduced as a description for the application of compound systems that integrate the operation of urban infrastructure and services, such as buildings, transportation, electrical and water distribution, waste management as well as public safety. The integration of the novel ICT technologies into the city management can significantly improve the efficient use of resources, transforming the city life into more efficient and intelligent, improving the quality of life, boosting the local economy and reducing the environmental footprint. This transformation requires radical changes in cities’ management concepts and open several research and implementation challenges, calling for innovative solutions and applications.
This panel will trigger a discussion on the most important and demanding smart cities concepts and will provide an insight on the existing issues, possible solutions and key challenges related to the concept of smart cities including the following:

1. Smart systems architecture for smart cities
2. Software/application development for smart cities
3. Big data management and analysis
4. IoT and M2M communication platforms
5. Cloud services for smart cities
6. Urban dynamics virtualization
7. Congestion free and sustainable traffic (i.e. Smart mobility)
8. Smart utilities (Intelligent water and waste management)
9. Smart energy and Smart grids
10. City knowledge management (i.e. eHealth, Smart museums, eGoverment)
11. Social and community intelligence
12. Security, safety, privacy and legal issues
13. Improving quality of life in smart cities
14. Standardization
15. The best smart cities case studies


All session by Liljana Gavrilovska


14:00 – 15:30


11:00 – 12:30