Empowering the Innovation Community

Fabio Antonelli


Fabio Antonelli



Fabio Antonelli received a degree in Electronic Engineering with specialization in Information Technology at the University Politecnico di Milano, in 1993. Working for more than 15 years in the TLC sector, in Alcatel Italia and in Telecom Italia group, he had the opportunity to gain extensive experience in experimental research, design, development and management of complex projects, playing, among others, the role of Chief Solution Architect in the development of network management and business support systems for TCL operators managing a significant number of projects in this domain. Since 2010 he in acting as Area Head of Future Media Solutions in CREATE-NET. His interests cover platforms for future internet media solutions, Internet of Things platforms and potential opportunities offered by the application of Internet of Things in the media and creative sector domains.

All session by Fabio Antonelli


11:00 – 12:30