IoT as a Service 2014

IoT as a Service conference:
The “IoT as a Service” conference is meant to bring together researchers and practitioners, from academia and from the industry, being it large Telcos and service providers, or SMEs who are interested in creating IoT based value added services. The main aim is to present existing, evolving, or novel ideas, exchange points of view, and foster discussions and future collaborations between different stakeholders. Papers are welcomed representing the point of view of middleware and platform providers, smart object providers, application developers, as well as researchers. The “IoT as a Service” conference is seeking original research and industrial papers on the confluence of IoT and advanced delivery models.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Smart objects as a service IoT marketplace – for offering IoT based applications and services API economy – for easier and tighter integration Semantic Web technologies for IoT: registry, storage IoT delivery platforms – existing and emerging platform and architectures for exposing and interacting with IoT Non Functional Requirements (NFR) for
IoT – security, scalability, responsiveness and more Standardization – standard areas needed Business models IoT DevOps IoT data management and related analytics IoT application deployment success stories Mobile First IoT: mobile backend as a services (MBaaS) and smartphone as data prosumers