Ari Sorsaniemi
Ari Sorsaniemi is working on FP7 and H2020 research projects as well as on policy issues within the areas of Internet of Things, Optical Communications and 5G PPP in the Network Technologies unit of DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology). He is also dealing with radio spectrum related aspects linked to these topics. He joined the European Commission and its Radio Spectrum Policy unit in DG INFSO in 2004. His responsibilities as Policy Developer included spectrum usage aspects in the context of transport and satellite sectors, as well as within smart energy grids and smart metering systems. Before joining his current unit, he was working in a unit called Smart Cities and Sustainability, dealing with policy issues and FP7 project coordination related activities linked to energy efficiency and smart grids. Ari started his professional career in process automation, but moved into telecommunications sector in 1990, working in an R&D project environment at the time when the first 2G (GSM) mobile networks were being developed. He changed into sales and marketing in 1993, working in Finland, Australia and Mexico in various marketing management functions. After having moved to Belgium in 1998, he continued working in the area of system marketing, after which he was responsible for the sales and marketing support activities in Belgium and later he dealt inter alia with business operations management and strategic marketing related matters. Ari received his master’s degree in electrical engineering at Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
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