Màrius Montón
Worldsensing, Spain
Dr. Màrius Montón has a PhD in Computer Science by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). From 2004 to 2011 he was member of the Hardware-Software Prototypes and Solutions Lab technology center in Microelectronics department in the same university. In this center, Màrius was involved on several FP7 projects related to electronics system simulation, rapid prototyping and HW/SW codesign. Màrius also was working with GreenSocs from 2007 to 2010 in different projects related to SystemC and TLM modelling, focusing on Virtual Platform design. Màrius joined WorldSensing in 2010 to manage R&D department. Since 2007 Màrius is assistant professor at UAB Engineering School with teaching SystemC-TLM in Master courses and last year computer engineering.