Robert Moskowitz
Verizon, USA
Robert has 40 years work experience in ICT. He has been active in the IETF for 21 years where he led the work for the private IPv4 address space, co-chaired IPsec, worked on PKIX, authored HIP, and contributed to a number of secure communications efforts. For 13 years in IEEE 802, he has contributed to security work in 802.11i, 802.11s, 802.1AE, 802.1X, and is currently chairing 802.15.9. He has spoken widely on IoT security, particularly at EU conferences including IoT Week and FIA. He is active on security for Software Defined Networking, participating in ONF and ETSI NFV security work. More recently he has been supporting activities in security for the Connected Car primarily for Vehicle-to-vehicle (IEEE 1609) and Intra-car networking (IEEE 802.3 and CANbus).