Levent Gurgen
Levent Gurgen – R&D project manager in CEA-LETI
Levent Gurgen is R&D project manager in CEA-LETI and currently coordinating 2 European collaborative projects on Internet of Things. He is the technical coordinator of the BUTLER project (www.iot-butler.eu), a large scale European project (15M€ budget, 20 partners) whose main goal is to develop a horizontal IoT platform where context aware IoT applications from different verticals can be plugged in. He is also the coordinator of the ClouT project (https://clout-project.eu), a collaborative Europe-Japan project on using cloud computing as an enabler for exploiting the potential of the Internet of Things in the context of smart cities. Levent obtained his PhD degree in computer science from the Grenoble Institute of Technology. After 4 years in Orange Labs in France as a researcher, and 1 year in National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, he has joined CEA-LETI in 2009. His main research interests include service-oriented platforms for Internet of Things on which he published more than 30 papers including journals and book chapters. He has also been involved in standardization activities such as IETF and UPnP Forum, and participated to program committee of several scientific conferences and organized workshops such as Self-IoT’12 and Self-IoT’13 in conjunction with the ICAC conference on autonomic computing. He has been involved in several other large scale European projects related to IoT and smart cities such as OUTSMART (https://fi-ppp-outsmart.eu), IoT-i (https://www.iot-i.eu/) and SocIoTal (https://sociotal.eu/).