Luigi Telesca
Luigi Telesca is CREATE-NET Chief Operating Officer. He is an expert in e-Business, Distributed Software, Optimization Algorithms and eNegotiations. He received his degree in Business Administration from Bologna University, and he has been marketing and innovation consultant for several Italian SMEs since the year 2000. In 2003 he earned an international Master in Networked Economy (MiNE), a joint initiative of Cattolica University and the School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS) of the University of California at Berkeley.
Luigi joined CREATE-NET in 2003 with both organizational and research roles. In 2006 he became Area Head of the OSCO (Open Systems for COmmunities) research area. In 2007, he was appointed as Funding Director of the Center. Luigi Telesca has been project coordinator of several projects and initiatives and actively involved in the definition and development of several EU and National projects like ONE, INFINITY, XIFI, WING, LIVINGSPACE, OPAALS, FIT4GREEN, MOBIPAC, etc.. Dott. Telesca is also CEO of eXrade, a research spin-off of CREATE-NET, and is currently acting as exploitation manager of the SUPERHUB project.