Alessandro Giordani
Alessandro Giordani was born in Rovereto in August the 12th 1971. After graduating in Political Science at the University of Padua in 1994 he has attended a Master Degree on EU Laws and policies c/o Reading University (UK).
He has been appointed Head of Communication, information and networks sector in March 2012, task he holds since then.
- From 2007 until 2012 he has been appointed Diplomatic Counsellor on EU issues c/o the Diplomatic Office to the Italian Prime Minister.
- He has worked in different Services and General Directions of the European Commission and in particular:
- Member of Commissioner Kyprianou’s Cabinet (2004-2007)
- he has followed the coordination of the Commission position for the Convention on the Future of the European Union;
- he has contributed on the draft of the White Paper on European Governance;
- Legal officer c/o the Central Financial Service of the European Commission;
- Negotiator c/o the General Direction Research.