Harry Doukas


Charalampos Doukas has received a Diploma in Information & Communication Systems Engineering and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of the Aegean in Greece. His main research interests include wireless sensors and data transmission over heterogeneous networks, pervasive computing, multimedia transmission, data classification and applications for the Internet of Things. He has published more than 50 research papers in international scientific conferences, 17 journal papers and 7 book chapters. He is also the author of “Building the Internet of Things with the Arduino“.

He is an associate member of IEEE, member of IEEE EMBS Society and peer reviewer in scientific journals like the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (former Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine) and IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging. His research work has been cited over 150 times (h index = 8) in the scientific literature and in the past he has participated in a number of National and European Research Projects.

He joined CREATE-NET in March 2013 as a member of FraME research area and technical manager of COMPOSE EU Project.



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